Episode 5: Leveling Up Your LinkedIn with Shari Morton of Shared Drive 

In this episode, Tom is with Shari Morton to explore the untapped potential of LinkedIn for both businesses and individuals. Shari shares her inspiring journey of growing her LinkedIn audience from just 182 followers to over 4,200. She stresses the importance of being consistent and putting in effort to build a strong online presence. Tom adds to the conversation by highlighting how valuable LinkedIn is for networking and finding practical advice to improve one’s business. Both speakers discuss how LinkedIn is often underused and point out the significant opportunities for growth and success that the platform offers. 

Tune in to this episode to discover how you can leverage LinkedIn to expand your professional network and enhance your business. 

Episode Highlights: 

  • 02:05 Leveraging LinkedIn for Business Growth and Expert Positioning 
  • 04:00 Using LinkedIn for Professional Networking and Growth 
  • 09:08 Using LinkedIn for Professional Networking and Showcasing Expertise 
  • 14:27 Optimizing LinkedIn Profiles for Clients and Industry Professionals 
  • 20:36 Leveraging LinkedIn for Business Success 
  • 26:38 LinkedIn Growth Strategies with Actionable Tips 

About the Guest: 

Shari Morton is the founder of Shared Drive, a company that offers specialized Online Sales Counselor (OSC) solutions tailored specifically for new home builders. Motivated by a noticeable gap in the market where new builders were struggling without adequate support teams, Shari launched her company to address this need. With over nine years of experience as an OSC, she has a deep understanding of how this role continues to evolve and adapt in the industry. 

At Shared Drive, Shari holds the title of Chief OSC, actively involved in the day-to-day operations. She is known for her hands-on approach, often found personally answering phone calls on Wednesday afternoons to support her junior team members. Her commitment to both her company and her team showcases her dedication to excellence and mentorship in the field. 


Connect with Shari:  

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